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Push feed: all you need to know
Push feed: all you need to know
Updated over 4 months ago

In this article you will read all about the new improvements of the push feed, what you need to do to integrate the push feed and when you have to do this.

What’s new?

The push feed is a new service we are building from scratch. In addition to enabling blazing fast updates, we also take this opportunity to implement the most requested improvements.

The following info will also be included in Limited (already added to Extended)

  • program items

  • sale start & online / door sale end

  • The number of visitors expected is added to Extended

And more

  • The accounting ID is added to Limited and Extended

  • You may provide a technical contact (an email address) per publication channel so that Stager can directly notify them of feed upgrades or changes.

  • The soldOut status will no longer be set on an event, instead we will provide this information per ticket type

  • The ticket amounts and soldOut status for doorsales will be included

  • A distinction will be made between a Main image and Additional image

  • You may add a different publish date for 'My publication channels' as well as for 'Partner channels', so that you can first publish event info to your own channels before letting your partners know about your events.

Extra data per ticket type

In limited mode

  • the soldOut status for online and door tickets

In extended mode

  • the total ticket amount

  • the available ticket amount

  • reserved ticket amount

  • the soldOut status

  • the soldOutOverride, which you can set in the backstage with a ticket type’s “Sold out” checkbox.

What do I need to do: Custom integration

If you have built a custom integration with our feed, that integration needs to be adjusted. This is something technical and needs to be done by your web developer. Check out the attached documentation on how to integrate with the new feed.

What do I need to do: Wordpress CMS Jeero

Many Stager organizers that have a WordPress CMS connected with our feed, do so with the Jeero plugin. Jeero offers seamless integration with Stager and all popular WordPress calendar plugins. To change to the push feed with Jeero, follow these few steps.

If you're already working with Jeero, the transition will be quick and hassle-free. If you aren't yet working with Jeero but desire an easy switch, get in touch with Jeroen today!

What do I need to do: Other plugins

If you’re using a different plugin to connect your website’s CMS to the feed, please reach out to your web developer.

When do I have to do this?

The current feed will be taken offline on July 1, 2025. Don’t worry though, we will run the current feed and the push feed side-by-side for quite some time, so there is enough time for you to make the switch. When the push feed is live, we will no longer update the current feed.

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