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Events and shifts in your personal agenda

All information in your agenda uploaded with the Agenda feed.

Updated over 8 months ago

Thanks to the agenda feed functionality, employees and visitors can easily import events and services into their digital agendas.

Importing the calendar

It allows you to automatically advance events to the online calendars of your subscribers. The web address where you subscribe to this agenda is as follows:

Replace "organization" with your own organization name.

Events with Calendar feed checked in Publicity will end up in the calendar.

The installation process is slightly different for each calendar. Click on the following links for the manuals:

Events are only included in these Agenda feeds when the Calendar feed checkbox under Event - Publicity is checked. This way you can control which calendar information you want to share.

Importing shifts

All shifts an employee has been scheduled for via Stager can appear directly in their calendar. Each employee has their own Calendar feed, showing only their shifts. The web address where the calendar information can be retrieved i s as follows:


Each employee finds their personal agenda URL by clicking on the Feed icon on the Shifts page of their personal account. ( It is located on the right side of the page near My Shifts.

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