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Tickets for multi-access events

Sell passe-partouts using the “umbrella” in the Stager agenda.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Passe-partouts are sold via a multi-access event when there are also single day tickets available, which you can recognize by the “umbrella” in the event agenda. By using this, Stager ensures that you can sell the maximum number of tickets and do not sell too many tickets. If you only sell passe-partouts you can just a regular event and cover the total span of the festival.

For example: a festival lasts three days and 1,000 tickets can be sold per day. Visitors can buy day tickets, but also a pass-partout for all days. With these tickets, it is taken into account that by selling one pass-partout ticket, one spot is available every day and therefore one day ticket less for the festival, every day.

Maximum ticket numbers

Create single day events and then a multi-access event. To start selling tickets now, go to the created multi-access event via the planner and then click on the Tickets tab. The ticket tab of a multi-access event works exactly the same as for one-day events.

There are several ways to control the number of tickets to be sold:

  • Combined multi-access event and single event: Enter the maximum number of tickets you want to sell for a multi-day event, under Maximum Capacity in the multi-access event; including the events linked to it. This field must be filled in if you want the sale of a ticket for a multi-access event to influence the number of tickets to be sold for the linked events.

  • Per multi-access event: In the tickets tab of the multi-access event, enter the total number of tickets you want to sell. These tickets can be scanned on one of the days on which the linked events take place. (Meaning these are your pass-partout tickets).

  • Per event: Enter the number of tickets you want to sell per event under Ticket Amounts in the tickets tab of the event.

  • Per ticket 'use': You can also limit the sales numbers per ticket use per event: e.g. with regular tickets and membership tickets. For example, you can indicate that a maximum number of multiple ticket types may be sold.

  • Per ticket type: Click on 'Edit details' found “behind” the ticket type in Events - Tickets and enter the number of tickets of that type that may be sold under 'Total available'.

Tickets links

Use the ticket link of the multi-access event to show all tickets that are valid for the whole multi-acces event. Each single event has its own link that shows the tickets for that particular day.

Both the tickets for the multi-access event and the tickets for the linked single-access events will appear in the ticket shop. For tickets for a multi-access event, a from/to date also appears in the overview and the name of the umbrella. So make sure the name of this multi-access event is clear.

Tickets for a multi-day event can only be scanned once. It is important, therefore, to work with wristbands, or similar. It is important to note that the tickets of a multi-day event can be scanned on all days where a linked event takes place. If a visitor has missed the first day, they can still check in on day two if the ticket is valid. It is also possible to 'unscan' tickets. Doing this, you could un-scan all tickets every morning and re-scan the tickets at the entrance.


These examples are all quite complex. We have worked out a number of use cases that will give you more insight into how the multi-access events work:

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