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Reserving tickets

How to create reservations and pay for reserved tickets.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Stager lets you reserve tickets for visitors. Reserved tickets are always in the expected purchaser’s name and must still be paid for at the box office. This article provides an overview of how this works and what you should pay attention to.

Creating reservations

to make a reservation, go to Tickets - Door Sales and choose the right event. You need to select a contact. Look for the contact in the field at the top of the screen. The name will appear as you type. If this does not happen, the contact is not yet known as a contact. Click on the yellow '+' Create a new relation and create a new one.

After selecting a contact, their name and email address will appear above the order, in the blue bar. Select the number of tickets you want and click the Reserve button. You will receive the message as a confirmation, “The ticket order has been successfully reserved.”

  • You must first select a contact to see the 'Reserve button.

  • The option to email tickets must be unchecked, otherwise tickets cannot be reserved. Check 'Email ticket to ...'

  • When reserving tickets for several events in one order, please note that all reservations will expire at the set time for the first event of the order. The visitor must therefore pay for all tickets before the first event in the series! Otherwise, reservations for subsequent events will expire.

  • If you want to give the visitor the opportunity to pick up the reservations for each event, for example half an hour before the start, then it is important to make a separate reservation for each event.

  • The expiry date and time is fixed during the reservation. If you change the start date and/or time of an event after ticket reservations have already been made, the expiry date/time of tickets already reserved for this event will NOT be changed. The reservations will therefore expire on the original expiry date and time.

Paying for a reserved ticket

You have reserved tickets for visitors. These tickets are not yet final, as they still need to be paid for. When the visitor comes to the checkout:

  • Go to Ticketing - Reservations and click on + Search Reservations at the top right. Search by contact name to find the reservation. Then click on the name of the contact to see the reservation.

  • Has a reservation been made for several people, but only one person arrives in the end? Cancel the other reservations using the Cancel button. The screen is refreshed and the Grand Total is adjusted.

  • A visitor can pay using the usual methods: Cash, Pin or Invoice. The ticket is printed and the screen is refreshed.

  • The status changes from RESERVED to COMPLETED, and the payment buttons disappear. The reservation has been paid and the order has been completed.

To allow cashiers to view and complete payments for reservations, make sure that “modify” for Reservations and Ticket Management is checked under Settings - Account - Users: Permissions.

Reservation expiry time

Reserved tickets and guest list spots are valid until a certain time. You can set this yourself. After that moment, the places will become available and this capacity can be used as regular door tickets.

Under Settings - Ticketing - Ticketing defaults you set the Door reservation expiry time (minutes before Program Start). If this is 30, reserved tickets will be released 30 minutes before the Program Start time, as entered at Event - Main. It is also possible to enter a negative expiry time, which means that the reservation remains available until after the start of the event.

The expiration time applies to the entire order. Even if it contains tickets for other events.

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