Event Types is a way to classify an event and is similar to Event Labels. The Event types setting, however, is aimed at internal communication and is also suitable for indicating activities such as rental, build up and run throughs. The event types are only visible to Backstage users and determine the colours in your calendar overview.
You choose Event Types for each event on the Main tab. You can choose them to match with Project Types, or make these two types differ from each other, so that an event can be distinguished on a more specific level.
In the third column you can add a Spotify event category. These can only be Festival or Concert as Spotify does not handle other event types. Of course this can also be left empty if the Spotify intergration is not used.
It is possible to choose a color per event type via the drop down menu. The events will then be displayed in the weekly and monthly planner in the color set for the relevant event type. You can also use the filter button at the top right of the various planners to indicate which event types you do and do not want to see.