My publication channels

Create your own publication channels.

Updated over a week ago

Information from the Publicity tab in an event can be forwarded to external websites and platforms. You do this through a publication channel. You create these channels in the settings yourself and choose per event to which channel you want to publish the information. For example, you connect your own website to a channel so that all event information is also directly available on your own website.

In Settings - Integrations you create the publication channels. You choose a name that you will see in the Publicity tab under Planning - Events. Next, at permission, choose between LIMITED or EXTENDED. The difference is the actual information about the sold ticket numbers. It’s useful if you want to update your own website about sold-out shows, but you don't have to share this with external parties. Finally, you adjust the status. Enabled is an action feed and Disabled is used for old channels that you don't want to use.

Also indicate here whether you want to automatically create a sales tracker for this channel if it is used for an event. Read more about sales trackers here.

The token is the secret code you use to request this channel and read the information in it.

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