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Program item templates

Use templates to quickly add pre-filled topics to program items

Updated this week

A Program item is a part of your event, such as an artist, workshop, play, lecture, panel, or similar activity. For each program item, you can add relevant information to the topics, and then use that to create a detailed itinerary.
Instead of entering all the information for each topic from scratch, you can create templates with pre-filled details. Program item templates are especially useful when the production information is similar across multiple items. This could include schedules, key contacts, technical specs, venue details, catering lists, hotel routes, parking information, loading dock instructions, and more.

You can also create a pre-filled Program item within an event template. This information will be loaded when the event is created, and that may be before the lineup is finalized. A program item template lets you plan your events in advance, and once the lineup is confirmed, you can easily add pre-filled topics to your program item to quickly build the itinerary.

Create a new template

Go to Settings - Planning - Program item templates and create a new template. First, you'll give the template a name and select the topics you want to include. Next, you'll be taken to a screen that closely resembles the process of creating a Program item within an event. The main difference is that you won't be able to link an advance form, and you'll set relative times instead of fixed times. The schedule times will be based on the event date/time rather than a specific date on a calendar.

Create an Itinerary

In the Program item template you'll see the same button in the top right corner to create an Itinerary. This allows you to create a template for itineraries as well! The itinerary shows by default the same info as what is added to the Program item, but it can hold other information too. Other info can for example be a warm welcome, the address of the loading dock, backstage entrance, curfew times, WIFI password, etc.

Create a Program item from a template

After creating a template in Settings, you can start using it. Go to your event calendar and create a new event. Go to the Program tab of the event and add a new Program item. Here you can choose to select a Template. You're done!

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