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The Program Tab

How to schedule productions in Stager.

Updated over 8 months ago

In Stager you prepare your productions in the Program tab of an event. Here, you create a production overview for each program component and you can immediately see how far you are with preparation. Each Program item is the basis for the Itinerary that you share with external parties.

Program items

Create a new Program item and fill in the name of the activity, showtime and space. Read below to see the different Topics that you can use. Each Topic corresponds to a part of the production about which you, as a production manager, collect information and possibly share it later with the external party. Topics can be added or removed afterwards.

Statuses by topic

At the top of each Program item you see the status for each Topic. You can also see this in the overview of the various Program items. This way you can see at a glance how far you are with the preparation of the event and what you still need to pay attention to:

The different statuses are:

  • Not in use: The Topic is not used for this Program item.

  • To do: The Topic has been added to the Program item, but doesn’t yet have any information.

  • In progress: Information has been added to the Topic, but not everything is arranged yet.

  • Completed: All the necessary information is entered and the Topic is marked 'Completed'.

Booking status

The Program item itself also has a status, the booking status. Here you indicate the status of the Program item. This can be:

  • Option

  • To be confirmed

  • Confirmed

  • Cancelled

The Booking status is purely for internal use only and has no consequences for ticket sales or linking to the status of the event.


When entered, the Showtime is automatically created in the Schedule together with the name of the program item. This is always the first topic. Here you put the time schedule that relates to the activity.

Everything that you put in the schedule for a Program item will also be seen in the Event schedule and the Production schedule by date. These elements are therefore automatically part of the scenario.

Use hotkeys to quickly populate the schedule: with Tab, Enter and the arrow keys you don't have to use the mouse to populate the Schedule.


Every Topic that comes after the schedule has a fixed structure. You add at least one of three types of information here:

  • Text are the text boxes for formatted text (bold, bullets, etc). Info entered here can be displayed on the Itinerary, if you wish.

  • Notes are text boxes for plain text and are for internal use only. Notes do not end up on the itinerary.

  • Files allows you to upload documents. We support common formats such as .pdf, .jpg and .png. Files uploaded under the Program item will also be visible on Itineraries. Files uploaded under the general Documents & Comments block on the program item overview page are for internal use only.

The Contacts topic is the only exception to a fixed formula, because here you can add your contacts from your database. Select existing contacts from Marketing - Contacts or add new names directly here.


Share the information you entered in the Program tab, for each Program item, with external parties. This is the Itinerary. You choose which information is exactly on the Itinerary before you share it. Read about the Itinerary in the following article.

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