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Email locked ticket codes

Sent out unique locked ticket codes via email

Updated this week

You create locked ticket codes directly in the Stager mailer. This allows you to quickly share unique locked ticket codes to a large audience.

Make sure there are locked tickets available before creating an email to send out locked ticket codes.

Create an email

First make sure there are locked tickets available at the door in your event. Then go to Marketing - Mailings and create a new email. In the mailer drag & drop the 'Locked tickets' component to your mail so you can enter the details.

Set it up

In the component for locked tickets you always start with selecting the correct event. You only find events with locked tickets available at the door. Next you select the correct ticket type and choose if you want to let Stager create codes automatically or if you create your own ticket code.

Add the number of uses per code per recipient. This sets the number each code can be used. Each recipient receives one code, so this can be used per code per recipient.

It is optional to add a description. This is for internal use and can give a description of the group the code is shared with for example. You also have the option to add extra text to the email. This is shown to the recipient and can be used to add more explanation or encouragement to buy tickets.

Send the email

After adding all the details, submit the component to your mail. Finish your mailing and send it to your audience. Every recipient receives their own code they can directly use to buy locked tickets.

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