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Importing tickets

Import ticket codes and ticket buyers into Stager.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Are you just beginning with Stager, and want to import the tickets sold with your previous ticketing system? Or have you sold tickets through multiple Stager accounts and want to scan with one account? Our ticket importer can take a lot of work off your hands. If you add the ticket buyer's name and email address to the import file, we will immediately import the ticket buyers as a contact, including order details. This way you can easily find them and email them when, for example, extra information is available about an event they have bought tickets for.

First use the 'single ticket code' function to test whether the ticket codes work properly. For example; with * before and after, or without? Import one sample ticket code to a test event, open the Stager app or go to Door sales - scan tickets and scan the original printed ticket. Accepted? Then use the multi ticket importer to import the rest.

Make sure you only import each barcode once per Stager environment, because each barcode must be unique.

Multi ticket importer

Select the correct event and choose whether you want to continue importing when the total number of tickets you set on the tickets tab of the event is reached (choose 'Enabled') or whether you want the import to stop when there are no available tickets left (then choose 'Disabled').

Download the sample CSV and use it to add the ticket codes, the names of your ticket buyers and their email address. Save as .csv and drag the file to the white upload box.

Check on the next page whether the correct data is in the correct column. Yes? Then you are ready to import!

The contacts that did not previously have a record in Contacts have been created and can be found via Marketing - Contacts, provided an email address was entered. The order can be found via Contact - Orders and Orders with the order date as the date of the import.

Imported tickets can be seen on the ticket tab of an event by their yellow colour. It is possible that the number in the ticket sales status exceeds the 'total number of tickets' when you choose to import more tickets than were available.

Single ticket importer

You import one ticket code using the single ticket importer. Here you select the event, add the ticket code and choose whether or not you want new tickets to be created when there are no available tickets for that event.

In the Imported tickets for event overview you will find all imported tickets, both those imported with a csv file via the multi-ticket importer, and those added via the single ticket importer.

Previous imports

Under Previous imports you can find an overview of all completed .csv imports. View the status and which ticket codes have been imported by clicking on the blue link under Tickets. If you want to see which contacts have been imported, click on the link under Contacts. If the number of 'imported' differs from the 'total', it is because the contacts already existed in your Stager account and did not need to be imported.

Spaces and signs (+ - =) in barcodes

Some ticketing parties also know the space as a character that can be part of the ticket code. Stager recognizes the space as a separate character if these tickets are scannable with the Stager app. However, the barcodes that start with a space must be imported manually. Barcodes that start with a space as the first character will not be imported correctly when using the multi-ticket importer. Spaces in the middle of the code or at the end do not present a problem.

If a barcode starts with a plus, minus or is sign (+ - =), then Excel must put an apostrophe before this sign, to convince Excel that this is a code and not a formula. Importing does not cause any specific problems, but we advise you to always test a number of printed tickets before the event starts.

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