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Sales charts and visualizations

Detailed sales info of upcoming events.

Updated over a year ago

The 'Sales insights' page gives insight into exactly how ticket sales are progressing in the run-up to an event. The insights consist of three different screens. In addition, there is the Dashboard which gives you a quick overview of ticket sales.

Sales overview

With Reports - Sales insights you can see a chart of the sales positions of various events. Select a period and maybe a project type to filter on and click on 'Generate sales data'.

The chart shows the current sales in a bar, with different colours indicating the status of the tickets:

If you click on the bar of the event, you will see a graph showing the sales progress and a table showing the different numbers for each status. At the end of the bar you can see the turnover you have reached with the event so far.

Sales per event

The next tab provides detailed sales data for each event. Choose the event at the top of the page and see how many tickets have been sold in the total period or how many tickets have been sold per day in the graph.

In the grey blocks above the graph you can swiftly see important information about numbers sold and turnover. Below is a graph with two tables, with the number of tickets sold per day, and numbers plus turnover for each ticket type. The red line indicates when a mailing has been sent in which this event is mentioned with a ticket link.

Compare events

The last tab allows you to compare up to four different events. The events are compared over a time period before the event took place, or will take place. You can compare ticket sales at a given number of weeks before the event takes place, to see if you are still on schedule from previous editions.

Also choose whether you want to see cumulative or standalone numbers, and whether you want to compare numbers or turnover, with or without free tickets.


In the purple menu bar, choose Dashboard to get a quick overview of recent ticket sales. Here you can see the number of tickets and turnover for each day for the past 7 or 28 days. Below that is a list of upcoming or recent events with the sales position.

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