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Event insights

Share ticket sales and ticket buyers info of an event with external parties

Updated over 8 months ago

When you’re organizing an event, you may want to share ticket sales information with stakeholders like artists, co-organizers or other external partners. Using Event insights, you can effortlessly create a detailed report of your ticket sales and ticket buyers' statistics and control exactly what information you share.

Create an external event insights report

First you select the right event via Planning - Events and navigate to the Tickets tab within your event. Once there, click on the Event insights button. This will bring up the following menu:

In this menu, you can customize which details you want to include or exclude. The menu consists of the following sections:

  1. Ticket types - Select the ticket types you want to display in the report's sales figures.

  2. Ticket table - You can choose to

    • Not show a ticket sales table.

    • Show a table of ticket sales including the revenue.

    • Show a table of ticket sales excluding the revenue.

  3. Ticket graph - You have the option to

    • Not display a ticket sales graph.

    • Show a graph of ticket sales including the revenue.

    • Show a graph of ticket sales excluding the revenue.

  4. Age distribution

    • Decide whether to include the age distribution of your ticket buyers in the report.

  5. Gender distribution

    • Choose whether to show the gender distribution of your ticket buyers.

  6. Location

    • Determine if you want to display the geographic locations of your ticket buyers.

Once you've finished, save your selections and Publish the page. Share the link with the person you want to keep informed, ensuring they always have the most current information.

Retract the publication

Accidentally sent the link for the event insights to the wrong person? Or need to withdraw the report for another reason? You do this by selecting the red Retract Publication button in the upper right corner. Once retracted, the shared link will no longer work, and the page is no longer be visible online.

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