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Door access for memberships

How to check in members.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

As an organizer, you can offer visitors free or cheaper tickets through memberships. They can then download tickets themselves, but it is also possible to scan a membership card at the door for access.

This article is about checking in members. Read more about setting up memberships here.


When members log in to the ticket shop, they are recognized by their email address. You can then offer them a (limited) number of free or cheaper tickets. Members select the right tickets themselves and pay for them. If the transaction concerns free tickets, the checkout step is skipped and members can download the tickets immediately. They use these tickets at the door like regular ticket buyers do.

Membership pass

As an organizer you can, for example, reward volunteers or loyal visitors with a membership card. They can visit selected events on presentation of the pass. This works as follows.

You print the personal barcode on a card that you then give to each of your members and ensure that the correct ticket type is available at the door at events. Members normally come to an event on spec. If there is capacity (i.e. if there are still enough tickets of this type available) the Stager scan app will show a pop-up. In the pop-up you choose the membership you want to use to check in someone.

If you convert the barcode into a QR code yourself, it is advisable to test the new code with the Stager app before printing it on all new membership cards. Some online tools put a link or additional code in the QR code. And iPhones do not show it when you read the QR code with the camera app.

Choose via Settings - Ticketing - Ticketing defaults not to show this pop-up if it hinders the check-in flow too much at the door. If someone only has one membership (card), the barcode on the pass is scanned as if it were a ticket. You will then not see a pop-up with the photo to confirm the check-in.

QR code via ticket shop

When members log in to the ticket shop, they will find their own membership details. Here they also see a QR code. This is the same code, but in a different form, as the barcode in the Backstage. Members who have forgotten their card can still check in this way.

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