Each ticket has a unique barcode. This code is found on the ticket itself and starts with ST. In Stager it is possible to export the barcodes per date, user or event. You do this via Reports - Sales exports.
You select Tickets by date for an overview of all sold tickets per date.
You select Tickets by event for an overview of all sold tickets for each event.
You select Tickets by user for an overview of all tickets sold by one user.
Enter the required information and press Download to export the overview as an .XLS file. In this file you will find the barcodes in a table under 'Barcode'. Sort here on the correct ticket types, order date or contact.
If you export barcodes and use them outside Stager in another system, it is advisable to disable SecureSwap from TicketSwap. You do this at the bottom of the Tickets tab of an event. Tickets can still be resold via TicketSwap, but the barcode will no longer change after resale.